Building Back Better

Post published: August 11, 2022
Building Back Better

On February 3rd 2005, the late and great Nelson Mandela gave a speech in London’s Trafalgar Square at the campaign to end poverty in the developing world.  His words sounded a clarion call to rise to the task before us, and to “Make Poverty History”.

His exhortation was addressed to a specific generation.  But, before you think that discounts you because you’re from the Gen Z, Gen X, Baby Boomer or Silent Generation, (or one of the 13 labels I came across in writing this), think again. 

He was speaking to you. To me.  To all people. 

He said:

“Sometimes, it falls upon a generation to be great.  You can be that great generation.  Let your greatness blossom.  Of course, this task will not be easy.  But not to do this would be a crime against humanity, against which I ask all humanity now to rise up”.

On a day like today, International Youth Day, it would be all too easy to lay responsibility on the young generation.  They should be the ones going out and making a difference.  Their passion, energy, and vision should be what propels the world to a better state.

Not so.

This year’s theme for International Youth Day is “Intergenerational Solidarity – creating a world for all ages”.  Established by the United Nations, the premise this year is that pulling together all generations’ strengths and knowledge is vital in order to “build back better” after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Department of Economic and Social Affairs explains:

“Solidarity across generations is key for sustainable development…We must collaborate to foster successful and equitable intergenerational relations”

At the core of the UN’s strategies are the 17 “Sustainable Development Goals”, first adopted in 2015 to:

  • End Poverty
  • Protect the Planet
  • Ensure all people enjoy Peace and Prosperity by 2030

In order to achieve this, everything from education, to the eco-system, to the economy must be addressed. 

And action across all generations is needed in order to leave no one behind.

At Amigos, we are working hard to make this happen.

Amigos worldwide

Creating Impact For All Generations

Our Family Sponsorship Programme impacts not only the child, but the whole family.  For 3 years, the main caregiver gets to be part of a Farming Group, where they are taught conservation farming and business skills.  As a result, they are able to change the trajectory of their lives, and that of the whole family, and, in some cases, their community. 

The Sustainable Community Development equips entire communities to double their crop yield, generate an income, and access clean water.  As a result, they are able to support their family and improve the future for their children.

The Kira Farm Development Centre trains 50 young people each year in vocational skills such as building, carpentry, tailoring and hairdressing. Then they go back into their communities, to pass on everything they have learnt, and to transform their communities.

It’s a cycle – generation to generation, one impacting the other.  No one left behind!

Working Towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Amigos worldwide

Education. Did you know… Half the children between 6-13 years of age lack basic                                              reading and maths skills?* 

We support children by providing them with scholastics, a uniform and a lunch. 

Amigos worldwide

Employment. Did you know… Recent estimates suggest that 600 million jobs would have to be created over the next 15 years to meet youth employment needs?*

We are teaching professional and business skills to young people each year, providing them with the means to build their own businesses. 

Amigos worldwide

Food Poverty. Did you know… In 2019, moderate or severe food insecurity affected 25.9% of the population?*

Our Sustainable Community Development programme ensures that families are not only eating well, but are able to lift themselves out of poverty.

We sincerely believe that everything that Amigos does is fulfilling the “task” Mandela speaks of. 

Encouraging this generation to be great.

Why not join us, and let your greatness blossom? 

See here for how you can be involved. 




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