Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The answers to the most common questions we get asked

Frequently asked questions

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  • General FAQs (3)
  • What happens if I need to end my sponsorship?

    We understand that sponsors’ situations change, and there may be a number of reasons why you have to end your sponsorship. Please get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help.

    Please contact us personally, as well as cancelling your Standing Order with your bank. We will, however, need to find another sponsor for your child/family as soon as we can, so please let us know if you decide to end your support.

  • I’ve received a message about my sponsored child from someone on Facebook. What should I do?

    Amigos Worldwide does everything possible to protect sponsors and children. We investigate any concerns you may have around social media.

    If you have been contacted by your sponsored child, please let us know as soon as possible as our child sponsorship team in Uganda can investigate.

    We have a duty of care to protect our sponsors and sponsored children, which is why we manage all correspondence on your behalf. Please don’t respond to the message – simply continue communicating with your sponsored child through the normal letter writing process.

    We want to do all we can to protect our sponsors and our children, which is why we manage all correspondence on your behalf and will investigate any concerns you have about social media.

  • How does sponsorship work?

    As a child sponsor, you’ll have a unique connection with a child and their family. But to ensure that your donation is spent as effectively as possible, child sponsorship funds are split between helping your sponsored child go to school, and the caregiver gaining skills to improve their income. We will train the caregiver in a number of stills including conservation farming, business, health and hygiene to name but a few. We also aim to leave a community with clean water, and a mentoring programme for school children.

  • How do I send a cheque to Amigos?

    If you would like to send a cheque to Amigos, please make it payable to Amigos Worldwide, write your child’s name on the back and send it to:

    Amigos Worldwide
    3 Boutport Street
    Mermaid Walk
    EX31 1RH

  • How does Gift Aid benefit Amigos?

    Gift Aid is a great government scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on donations made by UK taxpayers, which means your donations will be worth 25% more to Amigos at no extra cost to you. If you Gift Aid your donations we can claim back from the government 25p for every £1 you donate, boosting the value of the donation by a quarter.

  • How much does sponsorship cost?

    Sponsorship costs a minimum of £18 a month – that’s just 60p a day. 91% of this money is spent directly in Uganda. The remaining 9% is spend on UK costs i.e postage, printing, IT and office supplies. Your ‘giftaid’ is used to help with running costs.

  • Do children ever leave the sponsorship programme early?

    This can happen, but it’s rare. Sometimes, for example, a caregiver dies, leaving another family member to look after the child. This means the child may move to a different district that Amigos doesn’t operate in, but we will still do our best to support the child as much as possible. Our hope is that a child/family is sponsored for the duration of the programme (around three years), but rest assured we will contact you as soon as we receive news of a change in circumstances.

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